Bold. Distinctive. Biblical.
A Principle-Approach® Pre-K–12 Christian School in Lancaster County, PA
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Fast Facts About Lower School

✓ Who: 1st-5th Grades

✓ When: 5 Days/Week, End of August – Beginning of June

✓ Location: 交通便利,距离宾夕法尼亚州兰开斯特县30号公路蒙特维尔出口仅1分钟路程

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Educational Philosophy

Unlike many other elementary schools in the Lancaster area, the teachers at Dayspring Christian Academy’s Lower School educate with the whole child in mind. 而另一些则帮助小学生提高他们的记忆力和应试能力, Dayspring teaches students how to reason through the content that is presented to them to reach a logical, biblical conclusion and application.

A teacher holding a sea shell out to a student at Dayspring Christian Academy

General Information

  • Number of Classes Per Grade: 2
  • Student to Adult Ratio: 12:1 for grades 1-3 as these grades have classroom aides
  • After School: Programs are available
  • Programs for gifted or students with special needs? Yes. Please check our Student Support Services page for details.
  • School Security/Safety protocols, etc. Dayspring’s elementary school classrooms are bright, welcoming, and friendly. 适当的安全措施已经到位,以确保我们的家庭对他们宝贵的孩子的安全充满信心, loved and well-cared for.
  • Tuition: $13,384 for Grades 1-5
  • Financial Aid Info: Financial aid is available. Call John Riddell at 717-285-2000 for details.




Dayspring Lower School Curriculum

  • 核心科目包括数学、科学、圣经、语言、文学、阅读、历史和地理
  • History 以弗所书1:9-10总结道:“所有人类的历史都在基督里达到了顶峰.“我们教导学生,上帝是至高无上的,因为他统治着人类和国家的事务, because He sees the past, present, 和将来——他安排事件来完成他的计划,使所有的人都可以通过儿子基督认识父神.)
  • With a Providential View of History 记住,每个年级都关注历史时间轴上的不同点. It begins with Creation and includes the chain of Christianity moving westward. From Moses and the Law to Jesus Christ, from Paul to the Bible in English, from Columbus to the Pilgrims, from the Patriots to the Pioneers, and concludes with the restoration of America. 学生们被教导这些是为了了解历史的真相和我们的国家是为谁而建立的.
  • Two Dayspring lower school girl students solving a class problem togetherMath: 混合学习是一种系统,在数学课堂上,学生在三个学习站之间轮换,以实现个性化学习. Students engage in the learning process through the use of direct instruction, 哪一种是由一个小组直接与老师互动,对每个学生进行更个性化的教学. Another station includes collaborative activities, 学生以小组形式研究与课堂内容相关的现实问题. The final station is independent learning, which takes place on a computer. 它帮助学生掌握问题的每一步,并立即向老师反馈,让他们知道每个学生可能需要进一步指导的地方. 混合式学习方法使学生有多种学习方式,以掌握和满足学生不同的学习风格.
  • Students begin Spanish in first grade and Latin in fourth.
  • In-depth field studies 包括在马萨诸塞州普利茅斯的为期四天的三年级学生学习. Fifth grade experiences a two-day study of ocean life in New Jersey. Field studies can be viewed for each grade level on our Field Studies page.
  • 公众演讲是我们课程的一个重要重点,所以学生参加演讲见面 Pre-KindergartenKindergarten and up through fifth grade.
  • Orations: 为了发展研究、写作和为自己的作品辩护的能力,学生们开始学习 writing orations in second grade and presenting in third grade.
  • STEM 主任玛丽·斯托弗(Mary Stauffer)向K-5年级的学生教授机器人技术和使用机器人编写计算机代码. 这些课程还将使用“工程是基础”课程,教学生解决工程挑战,比如设计一个集装箱,将活植物安全地运送到商店, clean up an oil spill and assess the environmental impact, and design a production line to make potato chips.
  • View our complete Course Catalogs for elementary school
  • 美术、音乐、体育被纳入我们小学的课程表
  • Elective activities including our annual Lower School Musical, Lower School Athletics Clinics, and other opportunities exist for elementary-aged students. Visit our Student Life page to learn more.
  • Average class size is 24. Grades 1, 2, and 3 have teachers aides to assist with learning.
  • View our Course Catalog and Grading Scale here!
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Lower School Distinctives

On-site Learning in Lower School

Scripture says, “Come and see the works of the Lord,” (Ps. 66.5). In grades 1-5, 教师带领学生走出课堂,通过令人兴奋和丰富的实地考察进行现场学习. 一年级学生在兰迪斯谷博物馆探索美国建国前后的生活,并体验枫糖浆的制作. 二年级学生在丹尼尔·布恩家园体验生活,因为他们深入研究历史,并在学习地质学时探索印度回声洞. 《BCK体育注册官网》讲述了清教徒们在荷兰的生活和滑冰,揭开了他们的过去, 然后参观普利茅斯镇和种植园,了解我们的国家是如何走上历史的 5-day study to Massachusetts. Fourth grade studies Lancaster’s rich history through a walking tour, 然后他们通过参观费城独立厅和其他历史遗迹来追寻我们创始人的足迹. Fifth grade learns of our nation’s struggle for independence and the meaning of our national anthem at Fort McHenry. 之后,五年级的学生将前往新泽西海岸进行为期两天的海洋学学习.

About Hybrid Learning

混合学习是一种系统,在数学课堂上,学生在三个学习站之间轮换,以实现个性化学习. Students engage in the learning process through the use of direct instruction, 哪一种是由一个小组直接与老师互动,对每个学生进行更个性化的教学. Another station includes collaborative activities, 学生以小组形式研究与课堂内容相关的现实问题. The final station is independent learning, which takes place on a computer. 它帮助学生掌握问题的每一步,并立即向老师反馈,让他们知道每个学生可能需要进一步指导的地方. 混合式学习方法使学生有多种学习方式,以掌握和满足学生不同的学习风格.

Dayspring Lower School students visiting Plymouth, MA


Are programs available for gifted or students with special needs?
At Dayspring, we see each child as a unique individual, created by a loving Creator, and valued as such. It is because of this that Dayspring has created the P139 program, named for Psalm 139:14, 并设计用于教需要替代或不同教学方法的各个层次的学生, so they may work to their potential.
What school safety/security measures are in place?

Dayspring小学的教室宽敞、明亮、热情、友好. 适当的安全措施已经到位,以确保我们的家庭对他们宝贵的孩子的安全充满信心, loved, and well-cared for.

Click here to learn more

Are before and after school programs available?
After-school programs are available to elementary school students.

Dayspring’s lower school students do use textbooks for skill-oriented subjects, by and large, though, textbooks are used as resource tools. 学生和教师都开发了高度专业化的笔记本,成为主要的教学工具,增强了材料的内在化. 所有的教科书都选择小心与圣经真理对齐,并植根于主要来源.

Learn more about the Dayspring’s approach here

Why should I seek Christian elementary school education for my child?
《BCK体育注册官网》清楚地教导我们,教育的责任属于父母,而不是国家. Proverbs states that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Only by teaching our children the Truth as seen in God’s Word, 我们能否确保他们能够充分地迎接世俗世界的挑战,并为基督的事业动态地影响这个世界.
Can I see the school and meet the teachers?

Yes! Visiting Dayspring is a great way to get your questions answered, learn more about the school, meet the elementary school teachers and faculty, and see how we can meet your child's individual educational needs.

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Elementary school is held 5 Days/Week, from the end of August to the beginning of June.
What is the elementary school student to teacher ratio?
Dayspring的一年级、二年级和三年级教室都有一名助手协助老师. Teacher to student ratio is 12:1 for these grades. Teacher to student ratio is 24:1 for grades four and five.

Take a tour of Dayspring!

Private tours for you and your child are available. Additionally, 初高中学生可以通过我们的参观项目体验一天的BCK体育注册官网. Call Karol Hasting at 717-285-2000 or use the button below to register.

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